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Writer's picture: Sue MohrSue Mohr


: incapable of being intimidated or subdued : fearlessundaunted

For the past couple of years I’ve belonged to a book club entitled Undaunted. A group of ladies that are small in stature, but strong in faith. We’ve lived life together, large. Sharing our hurts, our wins, our losses, our hearts. Trusting each other and expressing raw feelings and emotions out loud.

Many nights were filled with deep, belly laughter. Just as many were covered with a multitude of tears. One special lady was the matriarch of the group. Her name was Miss Bobbie. She lived many lifetimes on earth. Her stories were numerous.

Our special little group of rag tag ladies learned so much from her stories. And there were many. She had owned and ran a thriving restaurant, sewed clothes for ‘famous’ Nashvillians and ran a trucking repair business into her mid-80’s. I can still hear her answering the phone in the middle of a conversation to connect a customer with her repair guys. Miss Bobbie was special.

There was one story that we got to experience with her. One we will never forget. In her sage years, she learned how not only to forgive herself, but many who had wronged her. We were blessed, as the Undaunted Ladies, to have a front row seat to her big reveal. It changed us. All of us. Causing us to dig deep and seek God’s help for our own pain. Miss Bobbie made sure of that. She helped wipe our tears and then led us to the bible for the answers.

I can write a book alone about the time that I spent with her. Vacations on the beach, first time drinking Starbucks, traveling through Ecclesiastes together, moving her from her family home to a lovely apartment all her own and sharing tears with her while she revealed life long secrets that she had held onto for decades.

Together we discovered the definition of dauntless. Realizing that we need not be intimidated by the things that life had thrown at us, but instead, seek to conquer them with the revelations found in the word of God. Miss Bobbie knew God’s word. This was her sword. And she wielded it often. She loved the Lord and couldn’t wait to meet him. She always thought He was taking a bit too long.

One day, she got her wish. She walked into heaven with a skip in her step. Filled with the promise of eternity. She was truly the epitome of undaunted and I’m a better woman for knowing her. I’m an undaunted lady.

Creatively His, Sue:)


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