Word of the Day: DEMONSTRATIVE
adj. Tending to show feelings, especially the pen expression of emotion
“Emotions just drip off of our walls.” I may have used that phrase a time or two while raising three little women. Each one of them had a demonstrative personality, each in their own way. Our home was always filled with lots of energy at every turn. A home that was filled to the brim with the beating hearts of three little girls, giggling and growing to their hearts content.
My girls are all creatives. They play various instruments and sing like beautiful birds. They are accomplished songwriters and majestic lyricists. One is an amazing artist that has illustrated two children books and has this unique ability to bring life to a canvas from what she sees in her mind. Another is a gifted writer. Bringing encouragement and stories to life with the swirl of her pen. Yet another is a multi-platinum songwriter. Spinning melodies and choruses into songs that are contagious and filled with audible magnetism.
Tonight I went to see the movie Little Women with two of my lovelies. There were huge parallels between the characters in this movie and my girls. They put on illustrious plays for their daddy and I to watch, giggled for hours as they cuddled together and dreamed, celebrated each others wins and mourned each others losses. They helped those that were less fortunate then themselves, prayed with people who needed hope, sang their hearts out with praise to our Lord, took care of the animals on our little piece of paradise in the country, worked alongside each other as we built our dream home and helped each other learn through school at home.
So much love. So many memories.
The years have passed by more quickly than I ever thought they would. One day they wore pigtails and curls, making crowns out of wild flowers and dancing in the fields. Then I blinked and they were raising families of their own. A little girl, a little boy and fur babies galore.
My girls have grown into gifted and amazing women who continue to love on and support not only each other, but the world at large. They run companies and raise children. Each lives in their own home and have spread their wings wide.
And even though they aren’t little girls anymore, they will forever be my Little Women.
Creatively His, Sue:)
