Word of the Day. FINITO
Finished; ended. It’s done. Over with.
I have a love/hate relationship with the word FINITO.
One example; I love books that are thick. Seemingly without end. Taking the story to new levels. Bringing the characters to light for not just a moment, not just a few pages, but instead, stretching their existence in my mind’s eye. Giving time to know them well. Allowing me to marinate in the view of their life. When a novel ends too quickly, with the ending forced just to provide a justified end, I always feel cheated. Gypped. Leaving my mind to finish the story itself.
Then again, wiping the slate clean and preparing it for new experiences, brings it own thrill. Throwing out the pain that went with the old and tattered and looking to create uncontaminated, undamaged and undefiled, brand-new memories can be one of the most uplifting and exciting things. New challenges are ready for the taking.
Tonight, New Year’s Eve, we get to celebrate the old and prepare for the new. As the years increase with each birthday, I have begun to realize that life spins with a combination of the old and the new. FINITO is a necessary part of life. Saying goodbye to things, people, time and welcoming that fresh, clean sheet of paper to write the new — There’s a new chapter of our lives just waiting to be written. Here's to a Happy New Year and lot's of great pages!
