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My Haiti Journal

Writer's picture: Sue MohrSue Mohr

When I first heard about this trip and felt the Lord say to go, I immediately went to all the 'human' reasons why it made no sense. I am old, Lord! Ok, maybe not feeble, but surely not that young chicken that used to race around the world without a second thought. Then there was the raising of funds. Lord, I just don't have the time. How about the fact that my back is not the greatest, I have motion sickness and probably couldn't handle the 4 hour trip from the airport in a tap tap. The excuses were insurmountable, one by one, the Lord said, "Suezi, Trust Me". So I kicked my boot in the dirt, like a 5-year old, frustrated daughter and said, "Dang, ok, I'll go".

Then God, in His beautiful and creative way of speaking to me, began to give me visions of what was to come. One of those visions were of the "mama's" in Haiti. Women just like me. Women that were tired. Women that lived their lives for their children. Women that felt that they just don't matter.

The vision was clear. I saw a bunch of women in a circle with both of their hands raised high in the air, smiling, laughing and moving their fingers around.

As I was shopping from the suggested to bring list, I called my daughter, Sarah, and asked if I should bring candy for the children...during our conversation, I kept thinking about Pink Nail Polish! I couldn't get it out of my mind. So I went to the beauty section and asked the Lord, how many, and felt that I was supposed to bring 20 bottles! Remember, y'all, God told me to 'Trust' Him, so I was just going with His flow.

I was scheduled to speak to the Bible Institute on Evangelism and the Arts, but on the Sunday that we arrived, Pastor Lafleur, walked over and hugged me and told me that I was also going to be talking to the 'mama's'. He knew I had a heart for them. I felt God smile and say to my heart, once again, Trust Me.

The day arrived. I had an entire talk prepared about Be Still and Know that God is God. While we were painting an outdoor church during the day, I kept hearing the word, "Sue, you are my Princess. A princess of a King. Tell them that." I smiled and said, "Trusting You, Lord."

Those sweet women welcomed me with open arms, hugged me, loved on me and became my friends and at the end of the night, they walked into the role of being Princesses of a King. Their smiles showed it. Their lovely song proved it. I then knew what I was supposed to do with the nail polish. I gathered the rest of the women from our team, we knelt down in front of each of those ladies, and painted their hard-working, worn and blessed fingernails a bright, princess pink. God had given me a vision that was a creative and humble version of washing their feet..

When all their nails were done, these ladies, raised their hands in the air, wiggling those lovely pink fingernails and exclaimed, "I am a Princess of a King!" -- Oh and btw, by now I think you can guess how many ladies attended:) Exactly 20.


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